open about 17 months late (09/30/2023) This is the first version of gamification 73% 17 issues (11 closed — 6 open) Related issues Task #4462: Develop APIs for Gamification Service Actions Task #4603: implement of related query in task controller for getting sub task data on related and get related on id Actions Task #4725: implement of sync users from career svc to gamification Actions Task #4789: implement of Store and update method for task coin configuration Actions Task #5512: implement of api for when identifier match then it add coins to user according to dueDate and conditions Actions Task #5949: implement of identifier in gamification for add the coins and use it for task and coins Actions Task #5953: implement of show total coins of users in gamification service Actions Task #5981: implement of show total coins of users for leader speak and where we want to show in gamification Actions Task #7443: IMPLEMENT of taskId key in usercoins table and change for store the taskId and enhance the service file of store the coins Actions Task #9138: implement of search gamification user Actions Task #9150: implement of store badge image and store the file in filemanager Actions Task #9155: Implement custom services path in service-authorization for gamification service Actions Task #9156: implement of show badges of user and store the badges and user id in pivot Actions Task #9660: implement server side dynamic file upload with seeder for gateway service Actions Task #10292: implement of gamification enable and disable status api Actions Task #10301: Implement GamificationServiceStatus Seeder and create Gamification-Service-Status update API for gamification service Actions Task #14112: Change the service code for all controller in gamification service Actions