Task #5981
closedimplement of show total coins of users for leader speak and where we want to show in gamification
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
2:00 h
Acceptance Criteria:
- Users can view a leaderboard that displays the total coins of all users in descending order, showing the top users with the most coins at the top.
- The leaderboard should be accessible to all users, and users should not see their own total coins on the leaderboard.
- The leaderboard should be updated in real-time as users earn or spend coins.
- The leaderboard should display the user's name, profile picture (avatar), and total coins.
- The leaderboard should be easily accessible from the gamification service's main menu.
- The leaderboard should show a limited number of top users (e.g., top 10 or top 20), with pagination or scrolling available for more users.
- The total coins displayed on the leaderboard should be securely retrieved from the backend and should not be tampered with.
Updated by Satyam sahu over 1 year ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Updated by Vikram Singh over 1 year ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Reviewed