Task #5512
closedimplement of api for when identifier match then it add coins to user according to dueDate and conditions
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
8:00 h (Total: 14:00 h)
Acceptance criteria
- Create a dedicated API endpoint for adding coins.
- Validate the API request, ensuring the required input (e.g., identifier) is provided.
- Verify that the provided identifier matches an existing task or condition.
- Check the due date associated with the task or condition to ensure it is still valid.
- Implement user authorization or authentication, depending on your application's requirements.
- Calculate the number of coins to be added based on task or condition criteria.
- Log the transaction or coins addition securely, including user ID, task/condition details, and coins added.
- Add the calculated coins to the user's account or wallet.
- Implement error handling for cases of mismatched identifiers, invalid due dates, or other errors.
- Provide clear and informative API responses indicating success or error.
Updated by Satyam sahu over 1 year ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Updated by Vikram Singh over 1 year ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Reviewed