Task #4603
closedimplement of related query in task controller for getting sub task data on related and get related on id
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
6:00 h
Acceptance Criteria:
- The API endpoint should accept a taskId parameter in the URL, which is the unique identifier of the parent task for which subtasks are requested.
- When a GET request is made to this endpoint, the system should retrieve and return a list of subtask objects that are related to the specified parent task identified by taskId.
- If there are subtasks related to the specified parent task, the API should respond with a JSON array containing the subtask objects.
- Each subtask object in the response should include relevant information such as a unique identifier (taskId), a title, and a description.
- If there are no subtasks related to the parent task with the specified taskId, the API should respond with an appropriate message indicating that no subtasks were found.
- The response from the API should have a status code of 200 (OK) if subtasks are found, and a status code of 404 (Not Found) if no subtasks are found.
- The API should be designed to handle valid and invalid taskId values gracefully, providing meaningful error responses when necessary.
- Document the API endpoints, request/response formats, and error codes for users and developers to understand how to interact with the gateway.
- Implement security measures to protect user data and sensitive operations (e.g., secure communication, input validation, rate limiting).