


Task #4725

Updated by Vikram Singh about 1 year ago

 * Determine what user data you want to synchronize implement of sync users from the Career Svc career svc to the gamification system. This may include user profiles, achievements, points, badges, or any other relevant information. 
 * Define specific data to synchronize, including user profiles, achievements, points, badges, etc. 
 * Authenticate using valid credentials to access data from the Career Svc. 
 * Create an API endpoint or script to receive and process user data from the gamification system. 
 * Successfully fetch user data from the Career Svc without errors or data loss. 
 * Transform and format data to match the expected format of the gamification system. 
 *Error Handling and Logging*  
 *Description:* Implement robust error handling mechanisms to capture any synchronization errors. Log these errors for debugging and monitoring purposes. Handle errors gracefully to avoid data loss
